theatre > student directing
Theatre offers more than one leading role.
The STUDENT DIRECTOR carries a big responsibility at WAPA…leading their peers to a successful show. The job is part visionary, part cat-herder, and all leadership.
The STAGE MANAGER leads the backstage CREW, conducting a symphony of their own, playing in time with the CAST.
Seeing it all come together takes courage, organization, and an eye on the bigger picture.
All eyes on me.
On show night, all eyes are on the cast. For weeks before, many eyes are looking to the STUDENT DIRECTOR for guidance and support.
managing through the chaos.
It is the job of the STAGE MANAGER to oversee the many hands working backstage. This student role includes managing the CREW — costumes, hair & makeup, lighting, audio & video, and props.
STAGE MANAGERS are organized, persistent, and calm under pressure.