Purchase your tickets to the underground…

March 7th @ Noon!

WAPA is here to inspire.


A place to experience inspiring music and theater. A place for students to grow. A place for instructors to shine. A place for our community to come together.

WAPA is here to inspire.


  • band

    WAPA has bands for every student interest at Whetstone: Marching, Jazz, Concert, and Pit Orchestra.

  • hand bell choir

    Featuring 5 octaves of handbells, the WAPA handbell choir is the only one of its kind in Columbus City Schools.

  • orchestra

    Featuring the four primary string instruments as well as a smattering of guitar, piano, and percussion, the Whetstone string orchestra brings an air of refinement to the stage.

  • theatre

    “Off Broadway” has made its way to Clintonville. WAPA’s theatre company puts on plays, musicals (with live pit orchestra), and studio productions.

  • vocal

    WAPA’s vocal program features a mixed chorus and vocal ensemble. Vocalists also perform in musicals and with the jazz band.

make a donation

Performing arts at WAPA thrive due to support from our generous patrons.